The words, phrases and acronyms used in our communications are explored on this page, presented in alphabetical order like a dictionary.
“Administrator” means Ocorian Administration (Guernsey) Limited
“Administration Agreement” means the Administration Agreement dated 23 January 2013 between the Company and the Administrator
“Admission” means the admission of the shares to the premium listing segment of the Official List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange
“AEOI” means Automatic Exchange of Information
“Affinity” means Impact Spectrum Limited
“AGM” or “Annual General Meeting” means the general meeting of the Company
“AIC” means the Association of Investment Companies
“AIC Code” means the AIC Code of Corporate Governance
“AIFMD” means the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
“Annual Report” or “Annual Report and Financial Statements” means the annual publication of the Company provided to the shareholders to describe their operations and financial conditions, together with their Financial Statements
“Articles of Incorporation” or “Articles” means the articles of incorporation of the Company, as amended from time to time
“Board” or “Directors” or “Board of Directors” means the directors of the Company from time to time
“B shares” means a redeemable Ordinary Share of no par value in the capital of the Company issued and designated as a B Share of such class, and denominated in such currency, as may be determined by the Directors at the time of issue. Issued for the purpose of returning capital in accordance with Article 8
“Capital Distribution Per Share” means the total annual Return of Capital to shareholders divided by the number of Shares in issue (other than shares held in treasury)
“CMBS” means commercial mortgage-backed security
“Code” or “Corporate Governance Code” means the UK Corporate Governance Code 2019 as published by the Financial Reporting Council
“Companies Law” means the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, (as amended)
“Company” means ICG-Longbow Senior Secured UK Property Debt Investments Limited
“Covid-19” means the global coronavirus pandemic
“CRS” means Common Reporting Standard
“ECL” means expected credit losses
“EPS” or “Earnings per share” means Earnings per Ordinary Share of the Company and is expressed in Pounds Sterling
“ESG” means Environmental, Social and Governance
“EU” means the European Union
“Euro” or “€” means Euro
“FATCA” means Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
“FCA” means the UK Financial Conduct Authority (or its successor bodies)
“Financial Statements” means the audited financial statements of the Company, including the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Changes in Equity, the Statement of Cash Flows, and associated notes
“FRC” means the Financial Reporting Council
“FTSE” means the Financial Times Stock Exchange
“GDP” means gross domestic product
“GFSC” means the Guernsey Financial Services Commission
“GIIN” means Global Intermediary Identification Number
“Group” means the Company, ICG Longbow Senior Secured UK Property Debt Investments Limited together with its previously wholly owned subsidiary, ICG Longbow Senior Debt S.A (Luxco) which was liquidated on 18 January 2022
“GFSC Code” means the GFSC Finance Sector Code of Corporate Governance
“IAS” means international accounting standards as issued by the Board of the International Accounting Standards Committee
“ICG” means Intermediate Capital Group PLC
“ICR” means interest coverage ratio
“IFRS” means the International Financial Reporting Standards, being the principles-based accounting standards, interpretations and the framework by that name issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
“Interest Cover Ratio” or “ICR” means the debt/profitability ratio used to determine how easily a company can pay interest on outstanding debt
“Interim Report” means the Company’s interim report and unaudited interim condensed financial statements for the period ended 31 July
“Investment Manager” or “ICG-Longbow” means ICG Alternative Investment Limited or its associates
“Investment Manager Agreement” means Investment Management Agreement dated 25 November 2020 between the Company and the Investment Manager
“IoD” means Institute of Directors
“IPO” means the Company’s initial public offering of shares to the public which completed on 5 February 2013
“ISAE 3402” means International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3402, “Assurance Reports on Controls at a Service Organisation”
“ISIN” means an International Securities Identification Number
“LBS” means LBS Properties Limited
“LGD” means loss given default
“Listing Rules” means the listing rules made by the FCA under section 73A Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
“London Stock Exchange” or “LSE” means London Stock Exchange plc
“LTV” means Loan to Value ratio
“Luxco” means the Company’s wholly owned subsidiary, ICG Longbow Senior Debt S.A.
“Main Market” means the main securities market of the London Stock Exchange
“Management Engagement Committee” means a formal committee of the Board with defined terms of reference
“Memorandum” means the Company’s memorandum
“NAV per share” means the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share divided by the number of Shares in issue (other than shares held in treasury)
“Net Asset Value” or “NAV” means the value of the assets of the Company less its liabilities, calculated in accordance with the valuation guidelines laid down by the Board, further details of which are set out in the 2017 Prospectus
“Northlands” means London & Guildford Properties Limited, London & Weybridge Properties Limited, Lamborfore Limited, Northlands Holdings Limited, Peeble Stone Limited, Auldana Limited, Felixstow Limited, Richmond Lodge Construction Limited, Piperton Finance Limited and Alton & Farnham Properties Limited
“NMPIs” means Non-Mainstream Pooled Investments
“OBR” means the Office of Budget Responsibility
“Official List” is the Premium Segment of the FCA’s Official List
“ONS” means Office for National Statistics
“PD” means probability of default
“Quattro” means the CNM Estates (New Malden) Limited, CNM Estates (Ewell Road) Limited, CNM Estates (Coombe Road) Limited and CNM Estates (Cox Lane) Limited
“Registrar” means Link Asset Services (Guernsey) Limited (formerly Capita Registrars (Guernsey) Limited)
“Registrar Agreement” means the Registrar Agreement dated 31 January 2013 between the Company and the Registrar
“RevPar” means revenue per available room
“Schedule of Matters” means the Schedule of Matters Reserved for the Board, adopted 23 January 2013, amended 25 September 2020
“Southport” means the Waterfront Southport Properties Limited and Waterfront Hotels (Southport) Limited – now in administration
“Sq ft” means square feet
“UK” or “United Kingdom” means the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
“UK Government Bond” means a gilt, a type of bond issued by HM Treasury and listed on the London Stock Exchange
“2017 Placing Programme” means the placing programme in connection with the 2017 Prospectus published in April 2017
“2017 Prospectus” means the prospectus published in April 2017 by the Company in connection with the 2017 Placing Programme
“£” or “Pounds Sterling” means British pound sterling and “pence” means British pence